20 Common Heating Issues and What You Can Do to Fix Them

Since 1995, TJ’s Heating & Cooling has been at the forefront of providing exemplary heating repair services in Independence and Blue Springs, MO. We have encountered a wide range of heating issues, from common nuisances to complex problems. This article will explore 20 common heating issues and offer solutions to help you address them efficiently.

Resolve Heating Woes: Solutions for 20 Common Issues

1. Dirty Filters

A frequently encountered problem with heating systems is a blocked or dirty filter, leading to restricted airflow and diminished efficiency. Such filters impede your system’s operation, causing it to exert more effort to distribute warm air, which in turn can elevate your energy expenses. It’s crucial to inspect and swap out the air filters in your heating system at intervals of one to three months, based on how often they’re used. This simple maintenance task can significantly improve your system’s efficiency and prolong its lifespan, ensuring your home stays comfortable during the colder months.

2. Issues With Ignition or Pilot Control

Problems with the ignition or pilot light can hinder the effective heating of homes and commercial spaces. This issue can prevent your furnace from starting altogether, leaving you in the cold during winter months.

  • Solution: Ensure the pilot light is on, and if it’s an electronic ignition, it may require a professional from TJ’s Heating & Cooling for heating repair in Independence and Blue Springs, MO. If you’re unsure about the type of ignition system your furnace uses or how to safely inspect it, it’s best to leave the diagnostics and repair to experienced technicians who can ensure your heating system is restored to optimal condition efficiently and safely.

3. Malfunctioning Thermostat

A defective thermostat can disrupt the temperature stability in your home, affecting comfort. Incorrect readings or failed communications with your heating system can cause too much or too little heat production.

  • Solution: Check the battery and settings on your thermostat. Sometimes, simply replacing the battery or reprogramming the thermostat can fix the issue. Additionally, ensure the thermostat is not influenced by external factors like sunlight or drafts, which can affect its readings and performance. If problems persist after these steps, it might indicate a need for a new thermostat or professional calibration.

4. Inadequate Heat Flow

Inadequate heat flow can leave your space feeling chilly even when the heating system is running. This can be caused by various factors, including obstructed airflow or issues within the ductwork that prevent warm air from circulating effectively throughout the space.

  • Solution: Ensure that all registers are open and unblocked. Consider having your ductwork inspected for leaks or blockages. Additionally, it’s beneficial to regularly clean your vents and registers to prevent dust and debris from accumulating, which can further restrict airflow. If the problem persists, a professional inspection may reveal more complex issues within your heating system that require specialized attention.

5. Frequent Cycling

Frequent cycling between the “on” and “off” modes may indicate a problem. Such behavior not only reduces the efficiency of your heating system but can also lead to premature wear and tear on its components. This could be due to a bad thermostat setting, improper airflow, or a malfunctioning heat exchanger. A professional assessment might be needed for accurate diagnosis and repair. Ensuring that your system is correctly sized for your space is also crucial, as an oversized unit can contribute to frequent cycling. Routine servicing can detect and rectify potential issues before they develop into major concerns.

6. Blower Runs Continuously

Continuously operating blowers can cause excessive wear on the system, possibly reducing its lifespan and resulting in elevated energy costs from the non-stop operation. This can also impact the comfort levels in your home by creating inconsistent temperatures. Check the fan setting on your thermostat to make sure it’s not set to “on” rather than “auto.” If that doesn’t solve the issue, it may be a problem with the blower’s limit switch. The limit switch plays a vital role in controlling the blower’s function; a malfunctioning switch necessitates expert intervention to avoid additional harm to your heating system. Regular maintenance can help catch such issues early, ensuring your system runs efficiently.

7. Noisy Furnace

A noisy furnace can indicate a mechanical problem, airflow reductions, or a clogged burner.

  • Solution: Regular maintenance and cleaning can prevent most noise issues. If the noise persists, contact TJ’s Heating & Cooling for furnace repair in Blue Springs, MO.

8. Heat Pump Freezes Up

During cold weather, it’s common for the heat pump to freeze up, but it should not stay frozen. This issue can diminish your heating system’s efficiency and may result in irreversible damage if not quickly resolved.

  • Solution: Check for airflow issues and ensure the system is on a defrost cycle. If the problem persists, professional help is required. Moreover, ensuring the space around the heat pump is free from snow, ice, and debris can mitigate the risk of freezing. Regular checks on refrigerant levels and electrical connections, along with routine upkeep, can also diminish the chances of the unit freezing up.

9. Uneven Heating

Uneven heating can be frustrating, with some rooms warmer than others.

  • Solution: Ensure that vents are open and unobstructed. You may also need to inspect your ductwork for leaks.

10. High Energy Bills

An unexpected rise in energy bills can indicate that your heating system is not running efficiently. This inefficiency can be due to various factors, including leaks in the ductwork, an outdated system, or the need for a tune-up.

  • Solution: Consider scheduling a professional energy audit and regular maintenance checks to identify and fix inefficiencies. Acting on suggestions from an energy audit can result in considerable reductions in your utility expenses. Moreover, switching to a more energy-efficient heating system or adopting smart thermostats can enhance your home’s heating performance and lower energy use.

11. Cracked Heat Exchanger

A cracked heat exchanger poses a significant risk, as it could result in carbon monoxide escaping into your environment.

  • Solution: This is a safety hazard and requires immediate attention from a professional specializing in furnace repair in Independence, MO.

12. Water Leaks

Water leaks from your heating system can be caused by a variety of issues, including condensation buildup, a malfunctioning humidifier, or even cracks in the heat exchanger. These leaks can compromise your heating system’s efficiency and may cause water damage within your home. Check for leaks in the condensate line or the humidifier. If the source is not obvious, professional assistance may be needed. Promptly dealing with these leaks is crucial to prevent mold formation and protect your home’s structural integrity, ensuring the safe and efficient operation of your heating system.

13. Dirty Burners

Dirty burners can impede the efficiency of your furnace, affecting heat output and safety.

  • Solution: Annual maintenance should include cleaning the burners. If overlooked, call for furnace repair in Blue Springs and Independence, MO.

14. Faulty Flame Sensor

A faulty flame sensor can cause the furnace to shut down as a safety precaution.

  • Solution: Cleaning the sensor might solve the problem, but replacement is often required, which should be done by a professional.

15. Thermostat Loses Programming

If your thermostat loses its programming, it could lead to heating issues, such as erratic temperatures or your heating system not turning on when it should. This can significantly impact your comfort and the energy efficiency of your home. Re-program your thermostat. If the issue persists, it might be time for a replacement. Upgrading to a smart thermostat can offer more reliability and features, such as remote control and energy usage insights, which can enhance your heating system’s performance and overall comfort.

16. Furnace Doesn’t Start

A furnace that doesn’t start can be due to several issues, including power problems or a faulty thermostat.

Solution: Check your circuit breaker and ensure the thermostat is set correctly. If these steps don’t work, professional help may be needed.

17. Tripped Circuit Breaker

A tripped circuit breaker can shut down your heating system unexpectedly.

  • Solution: Reset the circuit breaker. If it trips again, this could indicate an electrical issue that requires professional attention.

18. Gas Valve Problems

Problems with the gas valve can affect the efficiency and safety of your heating system.

  • Solution: Gas valve issues are complex and should be handled by a professional technician from TJ’s Heating & Cooling.

19. Ductwork Leaks

Leaks in your ductwork can lead to significant heat loss and uneven heating.

  • Solution: Sealing and insulating ductwork can improve your heating system’s efficiency and reduce energy costs.

20. Overheating System

An overheating heating system can shut down to prevent damage.

  • Solution: This could be due to restricted airflow or a malfunctioning component. Ensure your filters are clean, and consult with a professional if the problem persists.

Experience Comfort With TJ's Heating & Cooling's Expert Services

TJ’s Heating & Cooling is your go-to solution for all heating repair needs in Blue Springs and Independence, MO. With more than twenty years of expertise, we’re dedicated to keeping your home cozy and warm throughout the chilliest seasons. Contact us today for a consultation or service appointment.